11 April 2002 New clutter-rejection algorithm for Doppler ultrasound
Guy Cloutier, Danmin Chen, Louis-Gilles Durand
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Several strategies, known as clutter or wall Doppler filtering, were proposed to remove the strong echoes produced by stationary or slow moving tissue structures from the Doppler blood flow signal. In this study, the matching pursuit (MP) method is proposed to remove clutter components. The MP method decomposes the Doppler signal into wavelet atoms that are selected in a decreasing energy order. Thus, the high-energy clutter components are extracted first. In the present study, the pulsatile Doppler signal s(n) was simulated by a sum of random-phase sinusoids. Two types of high-amplitude clutter signals were then superimposed on s(n): a time-varying low frequency component (type 1), covering systole and early diastole, and short transient clutter signals (type 2), distributed within the whole cardiac cycle. The Doppler signals were modeled with the MP method and the most dominant atoms were subtracted until the signal-to-clutter (S/C) ratio reached a maximum. For the type 1 clutter signal, the improvement in the S/C ratio was 19.0 +/- 0.6 dB, and 72.0 +/- 4.5 atoms were required to reach this performance. For the transient type 2 clutter signal, exactly 10 atoms were required and the maximum improvement in S/C ratio was 5.5 +/- 0.5 dB. These results suggest the possibility of using this signal processing approach to implement clutter rejection filters on ultrasound commercial instruments.
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Guy Cloutier, Danmin Chen, and Louis-Gilles Durand "New clutter-rejection algorithm for Doppler ultrasound", Proc. SPIE 4687, Medical Imaging 2002: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing, (11 April 2002);
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Chemical species

Doppler effect


Filtering (signal processing)

Electronic filtering

Signal detection

Time-frequency analysis


Frequency domain representations of wavelet transforms
Proceedings of SPIE (September 01 1995)
Fast nondyadic shift-invariant Gabor wavelets
Proceedings of SPIE (April 06 1995)
Proportional Bandwidth, Wideband Wigner-Ville Analysis
Proceedings of SPIE (November 14 1989)
Wavelet filtering in the scale domain
Proceedings of SPIE (October 23 1996)

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