23 January 2001 Detection of burned areas using geostationary satellite data in tropical environments
Luigi Boschetti, Pietro Alessandro Brivio, Jean-Marie Gregoire
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Active fires detected using remotely sensed data represent only a small fraction of the vegetation fires. Hence, several studies focused recently on directly mapping burnt areas using polar orbiting satellites, such as Landsat, NOAA and ERS- ATSR. European METEOSAT and Japanese GMS geostationary satellites were used to detect burned areas in different tropical environments, despite their low spatial and spectral resolutions. The methodology is based on a multiple threshold approach applied to the thermal radiance and to a spectral index specific for burned surfaces. The simple index for burned area (SIB A) makes use of the information contained in visible and thermal IR bands available on geostationary satellites. Such criteria take into account also the information concerning the background thermal characteristics. The results from METEOSAT were evaluated using AVHRR data acquired over the Central Africa forest-savannah areas during the EXPRESSO campaign of dry season 1996. For GMS imagery, AVHRR data acquired over the woodland savannah areas of Northern Territories in Australia during the Smoko-FRACTAL campaign (May-June 1999) were used. Accuracy is satisfactory in both tropical environments, and these maps provide a reliable input to available atmospheric models.
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Luigi Boschetti, Pietro Alessandro Brivio, and Jean-Marie Gregoire "Detection of burned areas using geostationary satellite data in tropical environments", Proc. SPIE 4171, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology II, (23 January 2001); Logo
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Data acquisition

Atmospheric modeling

Data conversion

Environmental sensing

Meteorological satellites

Radiometric resolution


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