Open Access Paper
26 October 2000 MEMS technology at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Thomas George, Sam Young Bae, Indrani Chakraborty, Hillary Cherry, Christopher Evans, Beverley Eyre, Amanda A. Green, Allan Hui, Kevin King, H. Lynn Kim, Russell A. Lawton, Gisela Lin, Colleen Marrese, Juergen Mueller, Judith A. Podosek, Kirill Shcheglov, Tony K. Tang, Thomas R. VanZandt, Stephen E. Vargo, Joanne Wellman, Victor White, Dean V. Wiberg, Eui-Hyeok Yang
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The MEMS Technology Group is part of the Microdevices Laboratory (MDL) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The group pursues the development of a wide range of advanced MEMS technologies that are primarily applicable to NASA's robotic as well as manned exploration missions. Thus these technologies are ideally suited for the demanding requirements of space missions namely, low mass, low power consumption and high reliability, without significant loss of capability. End-to-end development of these technologies is conducted at the MDL, a 38,000 sq. ft. facility with approximately 5500 sq. ft. each of cleanroom (class 10 - 100,000) and characterization laboratory space. MDL facilities include computer design and simulation tools, optical and electron-beam lithography, thin film deposition equipment, dry and wet etching facilities including Deep Reactive Ion Etching, device assembly and testing facilities. Following the fabrication of the device prototypes, reliability testing of these devices is conducted at the state-of-the-art Failure Analysis Laboratory at JPL.
© (2000) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Thomas George, Sam Young Bae, Indrani Chakraborty, Hillary Cherry, Christopher Evans, Beverley Eyre, Amanda A. Green, Allan Hui, Kevin King, H. Lynn Kim, Russell A. Lawton, Gisela Lin, Colleen Marrese, Juergen Mueller, Judith A. Podosek, Kirill Shcheglov, Tony K. Tang, Thomas R. VanZandt, Stephen E. Vargo, Joanne Wellman, Victor White, Dean V. Wiberg, and Eui-Hyeok Yang "MEMS technology at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory", Proc. SPIE 4134, Photonics for Space Environments VII, (26 October 2000); Logo
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