21 May 1999 Synthesizing average 3D anatomical shapes using deformable templates
Gary E. Christensen, Hans J. Johnson, John W. Haller, Jenny Melloy, Michael W. Vannier M.D., Jeffrey L. Marsh M.D.
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A major task in diagnostic medicine is to determine whether or not an individual has a normal or abnormal anatomy by examining medical images such as MRI, CT, etc. Unfortunately, there are few quantitative measures that a physician can use to discriminate between normal and abnormal besides a couple of length, width, height, and volume measurements. In fact, there is no definition/picture of what normal anatomical structures--such as the brain-- look like let alone normal anatomical variation. The goal of this work is to synthesize average 3D anatomical shapes using deformable templates. We present a method for empirically estimating the average shape and variation of a set of 3D medical image data sets collected from a homogeneous population of topologically similar anatomies. Results are shown for synthesizing the average brain image volume from a set of six normal adults and synthesizing the average skull/head image volume from a set of five 3 - 4 month old infants with sagittal synostosis.
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Gary E. Christensen, Hans J. Johnson, John W. Haller, Jenny Melloy, Michael W. Vannier M.D., and Jeffrey L. Marsh M.D. "Synthesizing average 3D anatomical shapes using deformable templates", Proc. SPIE 3661, Medical Imaging 1999: Image Processing, (21 May 1999); Logo
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Magnetic resonance imaging


Medical imaging

3D image processing

Computed tomography


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