31 March 1998 Conservation of frescoes, paintings, and icons: noninvasive measurement of damage by a laser scanning vibrometer
Paolo Castellini, Enrico Esposito, Nicola Paone, Enrico Primo Tomasini
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Frescoes and icons show analogies in terms of defects, both present layer-to-layer detachments and delaminations and surface cracks; our aim is to develop a diagnostic system for the measurement of the defects position and size. We employ laser vibrometers and acoustic simulation of structures to allow full remote and contactless investigation of detachments and delaminations. The use of advanced measuring devices combined with computer data backup systems allow the restorers to follow damage evolution during time and to verify the effectiveness of their work. A full working experimental measurement set-up is described along with the results obtained. Extensive measurement sessions were performed with on purpose built frescoes and icons samples, presenting a wide range of defects positions and dimensions and different surface finishes and colors; results were then compared with those obtained by professional restorers by manual techniques. Further to this, we demonstrate that the simultaneous use of a complementary technique, IR thermography, allows also the measurement of complex defect structures, especially of superimposed defects at different layers interfaces.
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Paolo Castellini, Enrico Esposito, Nicola Paone, and Enrico Primo Tomasini "Conservation of frescoes, paintings, and icons: noninvasive measurement of damage by a laser scanning vibrometer", Proc. SPIE 3396, Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials and Composites II, (31 March 1998); Logo
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