22 October 1996 Separating desired image and signal invariant components from extraneous variations
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Images and signals can be characterized by representations invariant to time shifts, spatial shifts, frequency shifts, and scale changes as the situation dictates. Advances in time-frequency analysis and scale transform techniques have made this possible. The next step is to distinguish between invariant forms representing different classes of image or signal. Unfortunately, additional factors such as noise contamination and `style' differences complicate this. A ready example is found in text, where letters and words may vary in size and position within the image segment being examined. Examples of complicating variations include font used, corruption during fax transmission, and printer characteristics. The solution advanced in this paper is to cast the desired invariants into separate subspaces for each extraneous factor or group of factors. The first goal is to have minimal overlap between these subspaces and the second goal is to be able to identify each subspace accurately. Concepts borrowed from high-resolution spectral analysis, but adapted uniquely to this problem have been found to be useful in this context. Once the pertinent subspace is identified, the recognition of a particular invariant form within this subspace is relatively simple using well-known singular value decomposition techniques.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
William J. Williams, Eugene J. Zalubas, and Alfred O. Hero III "Separating desired image and signal invariant components from extraneous variations", Proc. SPIE 2846, Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations VI, (22 October 1996); Logo
Cited by 10 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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Raster graphics

Optical character recognition


Time-frequency analysis

Image processing

Image segmentation

Pattern recognition


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