7 December 1994 Unipolar terminal-attractor-based neural associative memory with adaptive threshold and perfect convergence
Chwan-Hwa Wu, Hua-Kuang Liu
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Proceedings Volume 2430, Optical Memory & Neural Networks '94: Optical Neural Networks; (1994)
Event: Optical Memory and Neural Networks: International Conference, 1994, Moscow, Russian Federation
Recently, a terminal attractor based associative memory (TABAM) with optical implementation techniques was published in Applied Optics (August 10, 1992). Herein perfect convergence and correct retrieval of the TABAM are demonstrated via computer simulation by adaptively setting the threshold values for the dynamic iteration for the unipolar binary neuron states using terminal-attractors and an inner-product approach. The simulations are completed by (1) exhaustive tests with all of the possible combinations of stored and test vectors in small- scale networks, and (2) Monte Carlo simulations with randomly generated stored and test vectors in large scale networks with a M/N ratio equals 4 (M: the number of stored vectors; and N: the number of neurons up to 256). The feasibility of optoelectronic implementation is discussed.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Chwan-Hwa Wu and Hua-Kuang Liu "Unipolar terminal-attractor-based neural associative memory with adaptive threshold and perfect convergence", Proc. SPIE 2430, Optical Memory & Neural Networks '94: Optical Neural Networks, (7 December 1994);
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Monte Carlo methods


Content addressable memory

Computer simulations

Neural networks

Adaptive optics

Binary data


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