11 November 1994 X-ray optics: imaging of a plasma source with a concave-curved crystal using ray-tracing and wave-optics approaches
Felix N. Chukhovskii, Eckhart Foerster, William Z. Chang, M. Dirksmoeller, Ingo Uschmann
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Using doubly bent crystal optics, x-ray imaging of a plasma source with doubly bent crystal optics is investigated, employing both the ray-tracing and the wave-optics approaches. The description of the x-ray plasma imaging experiment is given, which includes the considerations of the crystal, the reflection, and the bending radius selections for achieving a spectral resolution up to 10-4 without compromising the diffracted intensity. The principles of these two approaches are discussed and applied to the experimental case for the x-ray radiation of the Ly(beta) line of hydrogen-like Argon ions. Results of the calculations are compared and for the discrepancies explained. It is found between these two approaches that the principal difference in the results of the calculations can be attributed to the optical Fresnel diffraction effect, which is not taken into account in the ray-tracing method.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Felix N. Chukhovskii, Eckhart Foerster, William Z. Chang, M. Dirksmoeller, and Ingo Uschmann "X-ray optics: imaging of a plasma source with a concave-curved crystal using ray-tracing and wave-optics approaches", Proc. SPIE 2279, Advances in Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV/FUV Optics, (11 November 1994);
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X-ray imaging


X-ray optics

X-ray diffraction

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