20 August 1993 Classifier neural net with complex-valued weights and square-law nonlinearities
David P. Casasent, Sanjan Natarajan
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Proceedings Volume 2055, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XII: Algorithms and Techniques; (1993)
Event: Optical Tools for Manufacturing and Advanced Automation, 1993, Boston, MA, United States
A new pattern recognition classifier neural net (NN) is described that uses complex-valued weights and square-law nonlinearities. We show that these weights and nonlinearities inherently produce higher-order decision surfaces and thus we expect better classification performance (PC). We refer to this as the piecewise hyperquadratic neural net (PQNN) since each hidden layer neuron inherently provides a hyperquadratic decision surface and the combination of neurons provides piecewise hyperquadratic decision surfaces. We detail the learning algorithm for this PQNN and provide initial results on synthetic data showing its advantages over the backpropagation and other NNs. We also note a new technique to provide improved classification results when there are significantly different numbers of samples per class.
© (1993) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David P. Casasent and Sanjan Natarajan "Classifier neural net with complex-valued weights and square-law nonlinearities", Proc. SPIE 2055, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XII: Algorithms and Techniques, (20 August 1993);
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Neural networks

Computer vision technology


Machine vision

Data centers

Robot vision


Pattern Recognition Using A Neural Network
Proceedings of SPIE (February 19 1988)
Neural Network For Optical Flow Estimation
Proceedings of SPIE (March 01 1990)
Techniques for high-performance analog neural networks
Proceedings of SPIE (March 01 1992)
Multitask neural network for vision machine systems
Proceedings of SPIE (February 01 1991)

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