31 August 1993 Vanadium-dioxide-based infrared spatial light modulators
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In recent years, infrared (IR) spatial light modulators (SLM) have found applications in areas such as scene simulation and dynamic spatial frequency filtering. To help meet these requirements, we have developed two novel methods of SLM fabrication. Both SLM designs deposit a vanadium dioxide (VO2) thin film on a thermal array. VO2 films exhibit a temperature dependent hysteresis about their transition from dielectric to conductor. Accompanied with this transition is a change from a state of low to high reflectivity in the 3 - 5 micrometers band. Our two SLM designs exploit this temperature dependent hysteresis through the use of thermal arrays. The first SLM design deposits the VO2 thin film on a planar diode array. Each diode constitutes a `pixel' of the SLM. Power provided to a diode permits accurate thermal control about the film's hysteresis. Initial biasing of the diode array is required to the base of the VO2's hysteresis curve. The second SLM design deposits VO2 on a thermoelectric array. These pixels have the ability to both heat and cool the VO2 film, thereby allowing the array to be operated in a bistable mode. Bistable operation requires external biasing to the center of the VO2's hysteresis curve.
© (1993) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David W. Blodgett, Charles H. Lange, and Philip J. McNally "Vanadium-dioxide-based infrared spatial light modulators", Proc. SPIE 1969, Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing IV, (31 August 1993); Logo
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Spatial light modulators

Thermoelectric materials



Thin films


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