1 February 1992 Advantages of using low-power telephones with FITL systems in developing countries
Doug Greenwood, Sharon L. Pellerin
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Exciting possibilities exist for those developing countries taking major steps in revamping their telecommunications infrastructure. Unlike more developed countries that are tethered to supporting old standards for equipment, developing countries can standardize on new technologies providing substantial cost and feature advantages over equipment supporting old standards. This paper investigates variable power costs of FITL systems from an energy cost perspective and then from a peak power cost perspective. These cost perspectives are then related to telephones to show how improvements in telephone efficiency affect life cycle costs. Finally, these cost improvements are related to the networks of developing countries to show the overall system cost savings. For the sake of power calculations U.S. standards for telephone equipment are used, because they are familiar and much supporting cost analysis exists. Standards drafted by CCITT are similar to U.S. standards.
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Doug Greenwood and Sharon L. Pellerin "Advantages of using low-power telephones with FITL systems in developing countries", Proc. SPIE 1578, Fiber Networks for Telephony and CATV, (1 February 1992);
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Standards development


Analog electronics


Power supplies

Energy efficiency

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