20 January 2025 Study on fire evacuation route planning for public buildings
Bohan Xu, Tengyue Yan, Jingzi Hao, Dong Pan, Lu Song, Xuejun Li, Ting Xu, Hao Ding
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Proceedings Volume 13515, Fourth International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Electronic Information (AMTEI 2024); 1351522 (2025)
Event: 4th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Electronic Information (AMTEI 2024), 2024, Chongqing, China
The effects of smoke spread, decrease in visibility and uneven temperature distribution on evacuation safety during a fire are thoroughly investigated with respect to the characteristics of public building fires and the theory of safe evacuation. The fire model is established through BIM technology and its application and optimization methods in building models. Pyrosim software was used and data simulation analysis was performed based on the BIM model. Emphasis was placed on the effects of factors such as smoke spread, visibility and temperature distribution on the fire spread and evacuation process. In addition, the evacuation process was simulated using Pathfinder software in conjunction with the BIM model. The parameters affecting the evacuation efficiency were investigated with the aim of finding the best evacuation strategy. Finally, a fire evacuation path planning optimization scheme based on improved ant colony algorithm was proposed. By combining the ant colony algorithm with evacuation path planning, the optimal evacuation path can be found in complex building environments and the evacuation efficiency can be improved.
(2025) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Bohan Xu, Tengyue Yan, Jingzi Hao, Dong Pan, Lu Song, Xuejun Li, Ting Xu, and Hao Ding "Study on fire evacuation route planning for public buildings", Proc. SPIE 13515, Fourth International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Electronic Information (AMTEI 2024), 1351522 (20 January 2025);
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Computer simulations

Mathematical optimization

Data modeling


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