Open Access Paper
15 January 2025 CO2 diffusion to nanofluid over a wide range of temperatures and pressures: a molecular dynamics study
Xiaofei Sun, Guo Yu, Xiaoyu Li, Haoyu Ning, Zixiong Jia, Yanyu Zhang
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 13513, The International Conference Optoelectronic Information and Optical Engineering (OIOE2024); 135130Z (2025)
Event: The International Conference Optoelectronic Information and Optical Engineering (OIOE2024), 2024, Wuhan, China
The diffusion coefficient of CO2 significantly influences the dissolution behavior of CO2 in nanofluids, playing a crucial role in phenomena such as viscous finger formation and instability onset. Acquiring empirical measurements of the CO2 diffusion coefficient(D) presents substantial technical and economic challenges. To address these challenges, this study employs Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation to accurately calculate the D in nanofluids over a wide range of temperatures (293–343 K) and pressures (6–24 MPa). This systematic approach enables the creation of a comprehensive dataset, thereby enhancing the existing knowledge base. The results indicate that the increase in pressure functions as the driving force behind the diffusion of CO2, resulting in an enhancement of D. Regarding the temperature variation effects, elevated temperatures lead to a concurrent increase in the D. However, the increased thermal motion of cations at higher temperatures facilitate the formation of hydration shells, which hampers the diffusion of CO2.



The growing emissions of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2), pose a notable environmental concern due to its direct contribution to global warming and the subsequent adverse impacts on the biosphere [1,2]. Given this context, employing nanofluids, nanoscale particle suspensions in absorbent solutions, offers a promising method to bolster CO2 absorption [3].

Numerous scholars, including Pindeda [4], Jiang [5], and Haghtalab [6], have conducted extensive investigations into enhancing CO2 absorption through the application of nanofluids. Nonetheless, existing research has predominantly focused on lower temperature and pressure conditions, overlooking the evident influence of nanofluids on CO2 absorption.

The determination of diffusion coefficients through experimental measurement entails a complex and time-intensive procedure, underscoring the crucial imperative to identify appropriate alternative techniques. In this context, the rise of computational methodologies has established Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation as a fundamental approach for evaluating the physicochemical attributes of fluids, including their thermodynamic and transport properties [7,8].

This study utilizes MD simulation to examine the diffusion coefficient of CO2 during its absorption by nanofluids, aiming to address the aforementioned research questions. Furthermore, it quantitatively compares the impacts of temperatures and pressures on the diffusion coefficient and provides an analysis of the contributing factors to CO2 diffusion variability. The findings enhance the comprehension of the CO2 diffusion process within nanofluids when exposed to high temperature and pressure.




Model systems

All-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were conducted on the SiO2 nanofluid–CO2 system, which initially consisted of two independent phases. The first phase consisted of 500 CO2 molecules as the bulk system, while the second phase consisted of 2000 water molecules, 4 SiO2 nanoparticles, 1 PVP molecule (as the dispersant), and 20 Na+ and 20 Cl- ions. The selection of these components was based on experimental studies. The initial dimensions of the binary systems were 40 Å in the x and y directions, and the z dimension was determined by the densities of the SiO2 nanofluid and CO2. 3D periodic boundary conditions were applied to ensure system integrity. Figure 1 illustrates the original configuration of the SiO2 nanofluid–CO2 system.

Figure. 1

Initial configuration of SiO2 nanofluid–CO2 system.



Simulation details

The MD simulations in this study were performed using the Materials Studio software package, which utilized the COMPASS force field for describing all atoms. Each system underwent three simulation steps: initial energy minimization using the steepest descent algorithm to obtain a stable configuration, followed by a 500 ps run of the constant isothermal- isobaric ensemble (NPT) to achieve the desired temperature and pressure, and concluding with a 1500 ns simulation in the canonical ensemble (NVT) to collect the data. Temperature in NPT ensembles was regulated by the Andersen thermostat, while pressure was controlled by the Berendsen barostat. NVT ensembles employed the Nosé thermostat [9] for temperature control. All simulations utilized a 13 Å cutoff for vdW interactions, Ewald summation for electrostatic interactions, a timestep of 1 fs, and saved the full trajectory with frames outputted every 5 ps for later analysis.


CO2 diffusion coefficient calculation

To describe the dissolution behavior of CO2 to nanofluid, the diffusion coefficient of CO2 is calculated based on the Einstein relation as follows [10]:


where D represents the diffusion coefficient of CO2; N represents the number of CO2 molecules; t is the simulation time; r(0) and r(t) are the position vectors of each molecule at time 0 and t, respectively.




Pressure effect on the diffusion coefficient of CO2

In order to investigate the impact of pressure on the effectiveness of CO2 mass transfer, simulations were conducted at pressure levels of 6 MPa, 12 MPa, 18 MPa, and 24 MPa, while maintaining a temperature of 313 K.

As shown in Figure 1, when pressure is increased from 6 MPa to 24 MPa, the diffusion coefficient of CO2 increases by 69.9 % from 7.31×10−9 m2/s to 12.42×10−9 m2/s. The findings present compelling evidence that with the increase of initial pressure, CO2 continues to diffuse into the nanofluid, leading to an enhanced solubility in the nanofluid. The increase in pressure strengthens the driving force for the absorption of CO2, thereby augmenting the absorption of CO2 in the aqueous phase.

To investigate the factors influencing the diffusion behavior of CO2 to SiO2 nanofluid, we conducted individual RDF analyses for each case. The RDF of O(CO2) – H(H2O) and Na – O(H2O) in pressure from 6 MPa to 24 MPa are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively.

Figure. 2

D of CO2 in SiO2 nanofluid at various pressures and 313 K


Figure. 3

RDF of O(CO2)- H(H2O) in SiO2 nanofluid at various pressures


The RDF curves for O(CO2) and H(H2O) exhibit two peaks at 2 Å and 4 Å, respectively. The magnitudes of these peaks represent the affinity between CO2 and water molecules, with the first peak being related to hydrogen bonding.

The RDF curves of O(CO2) and H(H2O) at varying pressures is depicted in Figure 2. The curve demonstrates an upward trend in peak amplitude as pressure increases, implying intensified interactions between CO2 and water molecules. Higher pressure facilitates the enhanced dissolution of CO2 molecules, while simultaneously reducing the intermolecular distance. Consequently, it promotes closer contact between water and CO2 molecules.

The RDF curves for Na and O(H2O) both exhibit two peaks. The first peak occurs at approximately 2.3 Å, while the second peak occurs at around 4.6 Å. These two peaks represent the initial hydration shell and the second hydration shell of the Na ion, respectively, with the impact of the second peak being negligible for all relevant factors.

As shown in Figure 3, a decrease in the peak amplitude of the first peak is observed as pressure increases. This can be attributed to the increase in pressure, which reduces molecular motion, making it challenging for Na ions to associate with water molecules and resulting in a decrease in the quantity of the hydration shell.


Temperature effect on the diffusion coefficient of CO2

As illustrated in Figure 4, the diffusion coefficient of CO2 exhibits a thermally-induced increment with rising temperature, attributed to the heightened thermal motion of CO2 molecules. Nevertheless, the temperature elevation results in the destabilization of the nanofluid, causing a reduction in the particle surface area. Consequently, this unfavorable effect hampers the enhancement of solubility in the nanofluid and impedes CO2 dissolution.


RDF of Na - O(H2O) in SiO2 nanofluid at various pressure


As shown in Figure 5, as temperature increase, the peak amplitude of the curve decreases, suggesting a reduction in water and CO2 molecule affinity. Elevated temperatures disrupt hydrogen bonds between the two species, while simultaneously intensifying molecular motion and reducing their contact.

Figure. 5

D of CO2 in SiO2 nanofluid at various temperatures and 12 MPa


Figure 6 illustrates that elevated temperatures lead to a decrease in the number of the hydration shells. This decrease can be attributed to the increased temperature, which enhances intermolecular repulsion among water molecules and promotes the diffusion of Na ions. As a consequence, the probability of intermolecular interaction between Na ions and water molecules rises, creating an unfavorable environment for CO2 diffusion into the nanofluid.


RDFs of O(CO2)- H(H2O) in SiO2 nanofluid at different temperatures


Figure. 7

RDFs of Na - O(H2O) in SiO2 nanofluid at different temperatures




  • (1) A comprehensive nanofluid-CO2 diffusion model was formulated, facilitating the computation of both the diffusion coefficient and radial distribution function. These calculations aimed to elucidate the intricate microscopic process underlying the diffusion of CO2 into nanofluids.

  • (2) Changes in pressure under constant temperatures have a positive impact on the D in nanofluid. The maximum increase in the D of 69.9 % was obtained for the nanofluid system under the pressure 24 MPa.

  • (3) The diffusion coefficient of CO2 increases with in rising temperature under constant pressure. Elevated temperatures induce greater thermal motion among CO2 molecules, leading to an increased diffusion coefficient. However, Na+ cations exhibit an increased propensity to interact with water molecules at higher temperature, leading to the formation of additional hydration shells. Consequently, this phenomenon impairs the dissolution of CO2 within nanofluids.



We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, China (No. ZR2021ME005).





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(2025) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xiaofei Sun, Guo Yu, Xiaoyu Li, Haoyu Ning, Zixiong Jia, and Yanyu Zhang "CO2 diffusion to nanofluid over a wide range of temperatures and pressures: a molecular dynamics study", Proc. SPIE 13513, The International Conference Optoelectronic Information and Optical Engineering (OIOE2024), 135130Z (15 January 2025);
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