16 October 2024 A chiplet-based gesture recognition system with modular architecture
Yafei Liu, Xian Tang, Zheng Yang, Xiangyu Li
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Proceedings Volume 13291, Ninth International Symposium on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering (ISAEECE 2024); 1329146 (2024)
Event: Ninth International Symposium on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering (ISAEECE 2024), 2024, Changchun, China
An ultrasonic gesture recognition baseband system implemented with multiple modular dies (chiplets) is proposed in order to lower the cost by chip-level reusability. It adopts a special inter-chiplet network on active interposer, which can integrate up to 4 heterogenous chiplets. Two of them are tailorable through power management supported by the sockets on the interposer. The socket of the interposer has standard interface with 91.2 Gbps bandwidth. A CPU chiplet and a preprocessing chiplet have been designed with 28nm technology. And a modular architecture of system as well as organization method of this system are also presented in this paper. The implementation of these chiplets, the active interposer and software have been completed. The results of analysis evaluation are that it is able to recognize hand gestures with an accuracy rate around 90% and that it can support the maximum frame rate up to 6286fps, which is about 2.18 times of the existing system based on a mobile CPU.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yafei Liu, Xian Tang, Zheng Yang, and Xiangyu Li "A chiplet-based gesture recognition system with modular architecture", Proc. SPIE 13291, Ninth International Symposium on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering (ISAEECE 2024), 1329146 (16 October 2024);
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Gesture recognition


Network on a chip


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