Poster + Paper
22 November 2024 Payload stabilization system of manipulator with flexible links based on RISC-V microprocessor and stereo camera system
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Conference Poster
Increasing demands for versatility, ease of deployment and operation, increasing the degree of automation and energy saving necessitate the use of new approaches to the design of manipulators for moving goods. The weight and cost of handling equipment are significantly reduced, as is the degree of protection of more advanced structures based on flexible mechanical connections.

One of the problems of machine that arises when carrying loads, is the impact of factors, such as pendulum fluctuations of the load, compression of suspension cables. In conventional manipulators, such as cranes, this is determined by the skill of the operator. This is not possible in fully controlled non-orthogonal manipulators with multiple actuators.

To solve these problems, the authors of the article use two stereo cameras, the data from which, through mathematical transformations, is fed into the control system. Using a stereo camera is the simplest way to go from object coordinates in pixels an image, in an actual offset expressed in units of length.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Andrey Alepko, Tagir Abdullin, Evgenii Semenishchev, Ilia Khamidullin, and Prohor Karlov "Payload stabilization system of manipulator with flexible links based on RISC-V microprocessor and stereo camera system", Proc. SPIE 13239, Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology XI, 1323924 (22 November 2024);
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Imaging systems

Stereoscopic cameras

Image processing

Control systems


Complex systems



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