30 July 2024 Novel laser-based manufacturing chain for wafer-level mini-optics
David Bischof, Sven Lämmler, Hansruedi Moser, Martin Forrer, Oliver Faehnle
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Proceedings Volume 13221, Eleventh European Seminar on Precision Optics Manufacturing; 132210A (2024)
Event: Eleventh European Seminar on Precision Optics Manufacturing (POM24), 2024, Teisnach, Germany
3D machining in glass has experienced a significant boost in the last few years and has established itself in research as a manufacturing process for micro-components. We present a novel optical fabrication chain which enables the realization of complex mini-optics by using lasers as a shaping and polishing tool. In a first step by using selective laser induced etching (SLE) the outer shape and the figure of optical surface is formed. The SLE process leaves a RMS roughness of about 0.2 to 2 µm. That’s why, for optical surfaces subsequent polishing is needed. In our case a novel CO2 laser polishing approach is being used which has recently been developed at IMP institute and is called the “one-shot laser polishing”. By using this fabrication chain on one glass substrate (wafer) several mini optics can be placed which are connected to the wafer by small connections, which later can be removed or separated. This novel concept enables a wafer-level production which opens the possibility for better compatibility with other wafer-based production methods. In addition the novel SLE wafer-level approach where the lenses are mechanically separated from the wafer material, enables an optimization of the heat flow during the subsequent one-shot laser polishing.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David Bischof, Sven Lämmler, Hansruedi Moser, Martin Forrer, and Oliver Faehnle "Novel laser-based manufacturing chain for wafer-level mini-optics", Proc. SPIE 13221, Eleventh European Seminar on Precision Optics Manufacturing, 132210A (30 July 2024);
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Surface finishing

Optical surfaces



Laser manufacturing

Wafer level optics


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