Poster + Paper
20 November 2024 Critical dimension advanced statistical process control closed-loop system in photomask manufacturing
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Conference Poster
The traditional Statistical Process Control (SPC) Critical Dimensions (CD) in photomask manufacturing involves creating a data and analysis configuration to monitor and control the quality of a manufacturing process. The advantages of the closed-loop SPC system are its ability to provide timely feedback to the enterprise, enabling them to take necessary actions to maintain a stable manufacturing process. By continuously monitoring the key process, quality parameters and providing instruction to production, the system plays an important role in product control and management. Overall, the closed-loop SPC system represents a significant advancement in leveraging modern information technology to enhance the manufacturing process control and product quality management. Its practical applications can lead to improved efficiency, using less material, and better overall product quality. In photomask manufacturing, CD refers to the precise measurements of the features on the mask. Achieving accurate CD is crucial because any variations can directly affect the performance and functionality of the final semiconductor devices. The Critical Dimension Advanced Statistical Process Control (CD-ASPC) closed-loop System is designed to maintain stable control over the Critical Dimensions during the photomask fabrication process.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
E. Vogiatzis, E. Bawden, J. Beineke, M. Goldberg, D. Kazlauskas, S. Pampel, R. Kutzy, J. Patel, C. Sullivan, H. Küllig, A. Wittig, R. Born, R. Schrader, S. Brosig, D. Paulick, P. Craig, H. Fryer, C. Cooke, G. Davies, L. Kreft, T. Schievelbein, M. Carrier, A. Garman, D. Lucas, M. Barnes, D. Wierzbicki, and C. Progler "Critical dimension advanced statistical process control closed-loop system in photomask manufacturing", Proc. SPIE 13216, Photomask Technology 2024, 132162P (20 November 2024);
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Control systems

Process control


Statistical analysis


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