Presentation + Paper
18 November 2024 Micro-motion extraction from spotlight SAR using a modified backprojection approach
Finlay Rollo, Christos Ilioudis, Greta Zefi, Alessandro Lotti, Daniel Tonelli, Massimo Zavagli, Mario Constantini, Daniele Zonta, Enrico Tubaldi, Pietro Milillo, Malcolm Macdonald, Carmine Clemente
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Typically, an image formed using the backprojection algorithm is the coherent sum of every pulse’s contribution to every image pixel, accounting for the respective time delays and phase corrections. This allows for highly accurate image reconstruction. The modification proposed, differs in that the contributions of every pulse are concatenated to form a 3D radar data cube, instead of being coherently summed. This approach allows for the precise analysis of how the phase of individual target pixels change over time. In this work, the phase is utilized to accurately reconstruct the amplitude and frequency of a vibrating target. This method is demonstrated on both simulated data and compensated phase history data (CPHD) acquired by Capella Space.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Finlay Rollo, Christos Ilioudis, Greta Zefi, Alessandro Lotti, Daniel Tonelli, Massimo Zavagli, Mario Constantini, Daniele Zonta, Enrico Tubaldi, Pietro Milillo, Malcolm Macdonald, and Carmine Clemente "Micro-motion extraction from spotlight SAR using a modified backprojection approach", Proc. SPIE 13195, Microwave Remote Sensing: Data Processing and Applications III, 131950D (18 November 2024);
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