6 September 2024 Structural minimization and technology miniaturization in microwave photonic means
Oleg G. Morozov, Alexandr A. Ivanov, Aigul A. Nureeva, Rinat Sh. Misbakhov, Rustam Sh. Misbakhov, German I. Il'in, Gennady A. Morozov
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Proceedings Volume 13168, Optical Technologies for Telecommunications 2023; 131681E (2024)
Event: Optical Technologies for Telecommunications 2023, 2023, Kazan, Russian Federation
Universal problem of spectral characterization for element base of microwave photonic means from broad band electrooptic and optical electronic modulators and receivers to narrow band Bragg and Fabry-Perot filters is very actual. The presented modulating and forming devices contain, in a minimal structure, a special laser diode and two modulators, the first of which is calibrated (master) and has a significant impact on the accuracy of modulation and forming in second (functional), and ensuring the operating modes of both modulators affects the complexity of the devices structure. The last one element is photoreceiver with given characteristics as laser diode ones. The purpose of the work is to present developed devices for various implementation with a minimized structure and simple control, which allow achieving results similar to those obtained using complex multi-stage, two-port, dual, parallel, polarization divided Mach-Zehnder modulators, accompanied with acousto-optic and polarization modulators, all of which have become unavailable under the sanctions pressure. Their advantages can become more significant using microminiaturization technologies – combined microwave and photonic, photonic and quantum integrated circuits (PIC), developing in KNRTU-KAI and UUST, especially under the influence of external climatic factors. These aspects are discussed in the report using the examples of instantaneous frequencies measurements, broadband spectral characteristics of modulators and photoreceivers, quantum key distribution systems with frequency coding. Few words are said about sensor networks.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Oleg G. Morozov, Alexandr A. Ivanov, Aigul A. Nureeva, Rinat Sh. Misbakhov, Rustam Sh. Misbakhov, German I. Il'in, and Gennady A. Morozov "Structural minimization and technology miniaturization in microwave photonic means", Proc. SPIE 13168, Optical Technologies for Telecommunications 2023, 131681E (6 September 2024);
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Laser frequency

Modulation frequency



Microwave photonics

Frequency response

Microwave radiation

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