Presentation + Paper
2 October 2024 Energy-efficient optical memory architecture using phase change memory: clock frequency trade-offs for edge computing
Belal Jahannia, Jiachi Ye, Salem Altaleb, Qian Cai, Ehsan Madadi-Kandjani, Navid Asadizanjani, Chandraman Patil, Elham Heidari, Hamed Dalir
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Developing energy-efficient optical components for computing is crucial for AI-driven hardware technologies. While previous studies primarily focused on optimizing cache-level design and managing write-intensive memory addresses, the impact of clock frequency on the energy consumption of emerging memory technologies, such as PCM, remains underexplored. In this work, through comprehensive simulation-based analysis, we reveal the complex relationship between clock frequency and the energy efficiency of OPCM, SRAM, and DRAM. The proposed memory architecture has demonstrated the potential to reduce overall energy consumption by up to 75% for the MiBench benchmark suite, a widely used set of embedded systems and IoT workloads. This work contributes to the ongoing efforts to improve the energy efficiency of optical computing systems, a critical factor in realizing the full potential of these emerging technologies.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Belal Jahannia, Jiachi Ye, Salem Altaleb, Qian Cai, Ehsan Madadi-Kandjani, Navid Asadizanjani, Chandraman Patil, Elham Heidari, and Hamed Dalir "Energy-efficient optical memory architecture using phase change memory: clock frequency trade-offs for edge computing", Proc. SPIE 13113, Photonic Computing: From Materials and Devices to Systems and Applications, 1311306 (2 October 2024);
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Energy efficiency

Computer architecture

Internet of things

Power consumption

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