Poster + Paper
26 August 2024 Developing a Wynne corrector for higher spectral bandwidth focal plane wavefront sensing
Dominic F. Sanchez, Benjamin L. Gerard, Bautista R. Fernandez, Brian Bauman, Philip M. Hinz
Author Affiliations +
Conference Poster
Focal plane wavefront sensing techniques are generally limited to using imaging systems that have below 1% spectral bandwidths, due to the radial “smearing” of speckles from chromatic diffraction that causes optical image magnification over larger spectral bandwidths. Wynne (1979) designed a pair of triplet lenses to optically minimize this chromatic magnification and increase the spectral bandwidth. Such a Wynne corrector could enable focal plane wavefront sensing at up to 50% spectral bandwidths and as a result open enable > 50x higher-speed focal plane wavefront sensing. We present results of the design and laboratory testing of a Wynne corrector prototype, including a detailed tolerancing analysis considering manufactural wavelength ranges and alignment tolerances. These tests show promising results that this technology can be deployed to current and future high speed focal plane wavefront sensing instruments to enable significant performance enhancements. This document number is LLNL-ABS-857246.
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Dominic F. Sanchez, Benjamin L. Gerard, Bautista R. Fernandez, Brian Bauman, and Philip M. Hinz "Developing a Wynne corrector for higher spectral bandwidth focal plane wavefront sensing", Proc. SPIE 13100, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation VI, 131004Q (26 August 2024);
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Wavefront sensors

Point spread functions

Refractive index


Wavefront errors




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