Presentation + Paper
25 July 2024 3U Transat: a cubesat constellation to boost the multimessenger astronomy
Jean-Yves Héloret, Olivier Godet, Laurent Bouchet, Jean-Luc Atteia, Guillaume Orttner
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Thanks to the advent of sensitive Gravitational Wave (GW) and neutrino detectors, Multimessenger (MM) astronomy will deeply transform our understanding of the Universe contents and evolution over cosmological times. To fully exploit the forthcoming GW and neutrino discoveries, it is crucial to detect as many Electromagnetic (EM) counterparts as possible, but up to now, only one event has been detected by both GW detectors (Ligo/Virgo) and electromagnetic detectors (Fermi/GBM (Gamma ray Burst Monitor) and Integral), the short gamma-ray burst GRB 170817A/GW 170817 associated with the merger of a binary neutron star. To help improving the rate of joint MM events, it is crucial for the EM detectors in particular at high-energy in space to observe all the sky with a decent sensitivity. To do so, we propose the development of 3U Transat (TRANsient sky SATellites) project. 3U Transat is a constellation of nano-satellites offering a full sky coverage with a limited investment. The goal of this article is to present the 3U Transat project and its main scientific drivers as well as its current status. We will also describe our dynamic simulator used to optimize the scientific performances of the constellation. We will show highlights of the expected performances in term of detection and localization capabilities as a function of the number of satellites in the constellation.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jean-Yves Héloret, Olivier Godet, Laurent Bouchet, Jean-Luc Atteia, and Guillaume Orttner "3U Transat: a cubesat constellation to boost the multimessenger astronomy", Proc. SPIE 13098, Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems X, 1309819 (25 July 2024);
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Computer simulations

Signal to noise ratio


Monte Carlo methods

Silicon photomultipliers

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