The calibration of future wide field adaptive optics (WFAO) systems requires knowledge of the geometry of the system, in particular the alignment parameters between the sub-apertures of the wavefront sensors (WFS), pupil and deformable mirror (DM) actuator grid. Without this knowledge, closed-loop operation is not possible and the registration must be identified with an error significantly smaller than the sub-aperture size to achieve the nominal performance of the adaptive optics system. Furthermore, poor accuracy in this estimation will not only affect performance, but could also prevent the closed loop from being stable. Identification is not trivial because in a WFAO system several elements can move with respect to each other, more than in a SCAO system. For example, the pairing of the sub-aperture and the actuator grating on a DM conjugated to an altitude different from 0 can depend on the size of the pupil on the WFS, the exact conjugation of the DM, the position of the guide star and the field rotation. This is the same for each WFS/DM pair. SPRINT, System Parameters Recurrent INvasive Tracking, is a strategy for monitoring and compensating for DM/WFS mis-registrations and has been developed in the context of single conjugate adaptive optics (SCAO) systems for the ESO Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). In this work, we apply SPRINT in the context of WFAO systems with multiple WFSs and DMs, investigating the best approach for such systems, considering a simultaneous identification of all parameters or subsequent steps working on one DM at a time.