Most optical spectropolarimeters built to date operate as long-slit or point-source instruments; they are inefficient for observations of extended objects such as galaxies and nebulae. 2D spectropolarimetry technique development is a major challenge in astronomical instrumentation. At the South African Astronomical Observatory’s (SAAO) FiberLab, we are developing a spectropolarimetry capable Integral Field front-end called FiberPol(-6D) for the existing SpUpNIC spectrograph on the SAAO’s 1.9 m telescope. SpUpNIC is a general purpose 2 arc-minute long-slit spectrograph with a grating suite covering the wavelength range from 350 to 1000 nm and at spectral resolutions between 500 and 6000. FiberPol generates 6D observational data: x-y spatial dimensions, wavelength, and the three linear Stokes parameters I, q and u. Using a rotating half-wave plate and a Wollaston prism, FiberPol executes two-channel polarimetry, and each channel is fed to an array of 14 fibers, corresponding to a field of view of 10 × 20 arcseconds2 sampled with 2.9 arcsec diameter fiber cores. These fiber arrays are then rerouted to form a pseudo-slit input to SpUpNIC. FiberPol aims to achieve a polarimetric accuracy of 0.1% per spectral resolution bin. Further, it can also function as a non-polarimetric integral-field unit of size 20 × 20 arcseconds2. The instrument design has been completed and it is currently being assembled and characterized in the lab. It is scheduled for on-sky commissioning in the second half of 2024. In this paper, we present the scientific and technical goals of FiberPol, its overall design and initial results from the lab assembly and testing. FiberPol is a low-cost technology demonstrator (< 10, 000 USD), and the entire system predominantly employs small size (one inch or less), commercial off-the-shelve optics and optomechanical components. It can be modified and replicated for use on any existing spectrograph, especially on bigger telescopes like the 10 m Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) and the upcoming 30 m class telescopes.