Poster + Paper
28 August 2024 Opto-mechanical design of GRAVITY+ wavefront sensor
Nikhil More, Reinhard Genzel, Frank Eisenhauer, Dieter Lutz, Stefan Gillessen, Josef Schubert, Michael Hartl, Frank Haussmann, Christian Rehm, Harald Weisz, Şenol Yazici, Helmut Feuchtgruber, Christian Rau, Sinem Uysal, Guillaume Bourdarot, Ekkehard Wieprecht, Thomas Ott, Maximilian Fabricius, Felix Widmann, Antonia Drescher, Jingyi Shangguan, Taro Shimizu, Frederic Gonté, Julien Woillez, Nicolas Schuhler, Pierre Bourget, Sylvain Oberti, Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin, Thibaut Paumard, Florentine Millour, Christian Straubmeier, Laura Kreidberg, Paulo Garcia, Tiago Gomes, Sebastian Hoenig, Denis Defrére
Author Affiliations +
Conference Poster
The GRAVITY+ project consists of instrumental upgrades to the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) for faint-science, high-contrast, milliarcsecond interferometric imaging. As an integral part of the GRAVITY+ Adaptive Optics (AO) architecture, the Wavefront Sensor (WFS) subsystem corrects image distortions caused by the turbulence of Earth's atmosphere. We present the opto-mechanical design of the WFS subsystem and the design strategies used to implement two payloads positioned diagonally opposite each other - Natural Guide Star (NGS) and Laser Guide Star (LGS) - within a single compact design structure. We discuss the implementation of relative motions of the two payloads covering their respective patrol fields and a nested motion within the LGS Payload covering the complete Sodium layer profile in the Earth's atmosphere.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nikhil More, Reinhard Genzel, Frank Eisenhauer, Dieter Lutz, Stefan Gillessen, Josef Schubert, Michael Hartl, Frank Haussmann, Christian Rehm, Harald Weisz, Şenol Yazici, Helmut Feuchtgruber, Christian Rau, Sinem Uysal, Guillaume Bourdarot, Ekkehard Wieprecht, Thomas Ott, Maximilian Fabricius, Felix Widmann, Antonia Drescher, Jingyi Shangguan, Taro Shimizu, Frederic Gonté, Julien Woillez, Nicolas Schuhler, Pierre Bourget, Sylvain Oberti, Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin, Thibaut Paumard, Florentine Millour, Christian Straubmeier, Laura Kreidberg, Paulo Garcia, Tiago Gomes, Sebastian Hoenig, and Denis Defrére "Opto-mechanical design of GRAVITY+ wavefront sensor", Proc. SPIE 13095, Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging IX, 130952E (28 August 2024);
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Wavefront sensors


Adaptive optics

Beam splitters





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