The US National Science Foundation 4m Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) on Haleakala, Maui is the largest solar telescope in the world. DKIST’s superb resolution and polarimetric sensitivity will enable astronomers to explore the origins of solar magnetism, the mechanisms of coronal heating and drivers of flares and coronal mass ejections. DKIST operates as a coronagraph at infrared wavelengths, providing crucial measurements of the magnetic field in the corona. During its Operations Commissioning Phase, DKIST has already conducted a significant number of shared-risk observations for community researchers. The complex raw data are calibrated by the DKIST Data Center located in Boulder and distributed to the science community. We’ll present examples of science results and discuss lessons learned. Ongoing instrument development efforts include, an upgrade of the single-conjugate adaptive optics system to a multi-conjugate AO, the implementation of image slicers for the DL-NIRSP instrument and development of infrared detectors the DL- and CRYO-NIRSP instruments.