Presentation + Paper
28 May 2024 Multispectral data fusion from high energy arcing fault experiments
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Although fire events inside nuclear power plants (NPPs) are infrequent, when they occur, they can affect the safe operation of the plant if there is not sufficient protection addressing the risk. As mitigation for fire events, NPPs have comprehensive fire protection systems intended to reduce the likelihood of a fire event and the associated consequences. An electrical arcing fault involving components made of aluminum is one such hazard that could lead to a significant consequence. Because the original evaluation of High-Energy Arcing Faults (HEAF) was performed on components made of copper, there is an interest in understanding the effects of aluminum in these incidents. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has led a series of HEAF experiments at a facility near Philadelphia, PA, in conjunction with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), European and Japanese partners, and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). To capture a range of different HEAF events, Sandia has provided high-speed visible and IR videography from multiple angles during this series of experiments. One of the data products provided by Sandia is the combination and synchronization of infrared and visible data from the multiple cameras used in the tests. This multispectral fusion of information (visible, MWIR, and LWIR) allows the customer to visualize the tests and understand when different events happen in the two to four second duration of a test. The presentation will dissect three experiments and describe the different events occurring during their duration. The presentation will compare the behavior of equipment that contains aluminum components versus the ones containing copper or steel. Finally, data from a switchgear experiment will be presented to complement the bus duct data.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alvaro A. Cruz-Cabrera, Austin M. Glover, and Ryan Flanagan "Multispectral data fusion from high energy arcing fault experiments", Proc. SPIE 13083, SPIE Future Sensing Technologies 2024, 130830G (28 May 2024);
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Long wavelength infrared


Infrared cameras



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