18 December 2023 Investigation of the ophthalmic optical coherence tomography lateral resolution measurement using the standard test method
Xiaowei Zhao, Wenli Liu, Zhixiong Hu, Liangcheng Duan, Qingqing Wang, Xing Wei, Fei Li, Baoyu Hong
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The invention of optical coherence tomography (OCT) provided a noninvasive high-resolution three-dimensional imaging technique for the visualization of the retina. To date, OCT has become the standard of care for daily ophthalmic clinical practice, especially for the posterior segment examination. Lateral resolution determines the smallest features that can be resolved by an OCT system on the lateral dimension and it is one of the most important parameters for OCT imaging quality evaluation. Therefore, the standardized testing device and method for OCT lateral resolution evaluation have become critical to certify its imaging and diagnosis quality. As a widely applied standard, ISO 16971:2015 published by the International Organization for Standardization specifies a test device and test method for the lateral resolution evaluation for OCT for the posterior segment of the human eye. In this work, we implemented the testing device and method described in ISO 16971:2015 with a commercial ophthalmic OCT instrument and evaluated its performance in lateral resolution measurement. Results show that the test device and method could provide a quick and coarse evaluation of the lateral resolution. There are improvements to be made so that the measurement can be more accurate, reliable, and consistent for manufacturers, users, and regulatory authorities to implement.
(2023) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xiaowei Zhao, Wenli Liu, Zhixiong Hu, Liangcheng Duan, Qingqing Wang, Xing Wei, Fei Li, and Baoyu Hong "Investigation of the ophthalmic optical coherence tomography lateral resolution measurement using the standard test method", Proc. SPIE 12963, AOPC 2023: Optical Sensing, Imaging, and Display Technology and Applications; and Biomedical Optics, 129631T (18 December 2023);
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Optical coherence tomography

Standards development

Image quality standards

Image resolution

Point spread functions


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