Poster + Paper
11 March 2024 Autonomous aircraft surveillance for controlling laser beam transmission into the sky
Colin Rush, Jens Lautenbach
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 12893, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering XI; 1289314 (2024)
Event: SPIE OPTO, 2024, San Francisco, California, United States
Conference Poster
This paper outlines the development of a new method of aircraft detection for the purpose of ensuring air traffic safety during outdoor laser operation. Outdoor laser use poses hazards to air traffic, and thus the Federal Aviation Administration mandates safe operating distances between the laser beam and aircraft. The positions of aircraft are determined by decoding their Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast transponder messages, and hence the distance between aircraft and the location of the beam can be calculated. This distance information is used to cease laser beam transmission into the sky within the FAA-compliant distance. This paper describes the software developed to read, organize, and analyze the data transmitted from aircraft, the processes to find potentially hazardous encounters in this data, and the methods to cease laser usage once hazards have been determined. This system is designed to be implemented for use in the Culebra Aerosol Research Lidar project, but has potential applications for laser satellite communication, laser guide stars, or laser shows.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Colin Rush and Jens Lautenbach "Autonomous aircraft surveillance for controlling laser beam transmission into the sky", Proc. SPIE 12893, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering XI, 1289314 (11 March 2024);
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Camera shutters


Control systems

Data transmission

Laser safety

Data processing



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