The Compact Hybrid Optical Rf User Segment (CHORUS) project is a collaborative research partnership between SmartSat CRC, DST Group, EOS Space Systems, EM Solutions, Shoal Group, the Australian National University, University of South Australia, and Lyrebird Antenna Research. The project has developed a prototype terminal capable of simultaneous operation in both radiofrequency and optical frequency bands through communications systems integrated into the same tactical platform. A full-size engineering model was developed and tested at the DST Group laser range at Edinburgh South Australia. The terminal is a modified existing platform from EM Solutions currently employed widely in the international defence sector focusing on maritime applications. The modifications made within this project include the integration of a custom aluminium mirror in the centre of the RF antenna. The optical communication signal is received at prime focus and a novel method for separating the RF and optical signals was designed, tested, and integrated. We report on the terminal design specifications and verification through field testing including performance of the optical and RF systems, pointing accuracy, and future technology directions.