23 May 2023 Improved generalized predictive control for hydro-turbine governing system integrating ensemble fault diagnosis
Xinjie Lai, Yue Zong, Dedi Li, Huimin Huang, Yuechao Wu
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Proceedings Volume 12645, International Conference on Computer, Artificial Intelligence, and Control Engineering (CAICE 2023); 126454I (2023)
Event: International Conference on Computer, Artificial Intelligence, and Control Engineering (CAICE 2023), 2023, Hangzhou, China
Hydro-Turbine Governing System (HTGS) is a key component in hydropower station, which converse hydropower into electricity, the stable operation of HTGS is of vital importance to a hydropower station. This paper aims to study the fault diagnosis method under noisy environment and propose an Improved Generalized Predictive Control (IGPC) strategy under fault operation conditions. Firstly, the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is adopted to characterize the faults of HTGS based on the nonlinear mathematical model of HTGS. Each EKF corresponds to a certain fault mode, which composes a fault archive. Meanwhile, the EKFs are able to effectively filter the external noise. The detection and recognition of faults are accomplished by the generalized residual model, the probability of a certain fault is quantified by the deviation between the observation of EKFs and the state variables of real HTGS. Then, the probability of each fault is injected into IGPC to reconstruct the CARIMA of HTGS, hence the CARIMA always follow the real state of HTGS even under fault operation conditions. Based on the online reconstruction of CARIMA, the robustness of GPC is further strengthened. Simulation result indicates that the proposed diagnosis model is effective for the detection and recognition of known faults under noise contaminated environment. In addition, the proposed IGPC is able to effectively stabilize the HTGS under fault operation conditions.
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Xinjie Lai, Yue Zong, Dedi Li, Huimin Huang, and Yuechao Wu "Improved generalized predictive control for hydro-turbine governing system integrating ensemble fault diagnosis", Proc. SPIE 12645, International Conference on Computer, Artificial Intelligence, and Control Engineering (CAICE 2023), 126454I (23 May 2023);
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Mathematical modeling

Control systems

Complex systems


Signal filtering


System integration

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