27 April 2023 Formation of a mathematical model for the use of SHF technology in the drying of agricultural plant raw materials
A. I. Shageeva, R. R. Safin, P. A. Kaynov
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Proceedings Volume 12637, International Conference on Digital Transformation: Informatics, Economics, and Education (DTIEE2023); 1263717 (2023)
Event: International Conference on Digital Transformation: Informatics, Economics, and Education (DTIEE2023), 2023, Fergana, Uzbekistan
The most important aspect in the production of agricultural and pharmaceutical products is the immediate drying of collected vegetable raw materials to preserve a complex of nutritional and vitamin properties. This paper provides a mathematical kinetic model of the drying process of vegetable raw materials in the electromagnetic field of the SHF range in the medium pressure oscillation mode. A feature of the proposed method is the use of the oscillating drying mode, consisting of SHF heating and vacuuming stages, providing uniform removal of moisture across all layers of the material. Experimental studies and evaluation of design data were carried out on an experimental SHF drying unit. Vegetable raw materials with carotene, namely green lucern, were used as samples. It is established that decrease in the dielectric permittivity of fodder grasses leads to increase in each subsequent drying stage in time. As a result of the experiments, rational operating conditions of drying were determined, ensuring maximum preservation of carotene in the leafy mass, as well as energy parameters of the equipment depending on the volume of machine loading. In order to perform highly efficient drying of biofeedstock in a remote area, the process schedule described in the article was improved and the engineering method for calculating the industrial SHF drying complex was developed.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
A. I. Shageeva, R. R. Safin, and P. A. Kaynov "Formation of a mathematical model for the use of SHF technology in the drying of agricultural plant raw materials", Proc. SPIE 12637, International Conference on Digital Transformation: Informatics, Economics, and Education (DTIEE2023), 1263717 (27 April 2023);
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Microwave radiation

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