Presentation + Paper
2 March 2022 Snapshot-to-video autoencoder for compressed ultra-high-speed imaging
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Proceedings Volume 12019, AI and Optical Data Sciences III; 1201903 (2022)
Event: SPIE OPTO, 2022, San Francisco, California, United States
Single-shot two-dimensional (2D) optical imaging of transient scenes is indispensable for numerous areas of study. Among existing techniques, compressed optical-streaking ultrahigh-speed photography (COSUP) uses a cost-efficient design to endow ultra-high frame rates with off-the-shelf CCD and CMOS cameras. Thus far, COSUP’s application scope is limited by the long processing time and unstable image quality in existing analytical-modeling-based video reconstruction. To overcome these problems, we have developed a snapshot-to-video autoencoder (S2V-AE)—a new deep neural network that maps a compressively recorded 2D image to a movie. The S2V-AE preserves spatiotemporal coherence in reconstructed videos and presents a flexible structure to tolerate changes in input data. Implemented in compressed ultrahigh-speed imaging, the S2V-AE enables the development of single-shot machine-learning assisted real-time (SMART) COSUP, which features a reconstruction time of 60 ms and a large sequence depth of 100 frames. SMART COSUP is applied to wide-field multiple-particle tracking at 20 thousand frames-per-second. As a universal computational framework, the S2V-AE is readily adaptable to other modalities in high-dimensional compressed sensing. SMART COSUP is also expected to find wide applications in applied and fundamental sciences.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xianglei Liu, João Monteiro, Isabela Albuquerque, Yingming Lai, Cheng Jiang, Shian Zhang, Tiago Falk, and Jinyang Liang "Snapshot-to-video autoencoder for compressed ultra-high-speed imaging", Proc. SPIE 12019, AI and Optical Data Sciences III, 1201903 (2 March 2022);
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Computer programming

Imaging systems

CMOS cameras

Reconstruction algorithms

Signal to noise ratio


Digital micromirror devices


Animation image transfer using CycleGAN
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