22 June 2021 Sensing through the surface of art materials with advanced Raman spectroscopy techniques
Claudia Conti, Alessandra Botteon, Christopher Corden, Ioan Notingher, Pavel Matousek
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Recent advances on micro Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopy (micro-SORS), an optical spectroscopy method able to non-invasively investigate at the microscale the molecular composition of the subsurface of turbid materials, will be presented. The recent research topics include the application of micro-SORS to non-invasively reconstruct the diffusion profiles of conservation treatments applied in calcium-based matrices, the first in-situ surveys of prestigious panel paintings with a portable micro-SORS prototype derived modifying a commercial portable Raman spectrometer, and proof-of-concept experiments performed coupling micro-SORS with Time-Gated Raman Spectral Multiplexing method for the non-invasive suppression of the fluorescence originated by the subsurface.
Conference Presentation
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Claudia Conti, Alessandra Botteon, Christopher Corden, Ioan Notingher, and Pavel Matousek "Sensing through the surface of art materials with advanced Raman spectroscopy techniques", Proc. SPIE 11784, Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology VIII, 1178403 (22 June 2021);
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