Presentation + Paper
20 June 2021 Semi-analytic modeling of diffraction grating BRDF using scalar Fourier optics
Felix Koch, Matthias Zilk, Tilman Glaser
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The signal-to-noise ratio and imaging performance of optical instruments is often limited by instrumental straylight. In the case of state-of-the-art spectrometers, scattered light level of the diffraction grating, quantified in terms of its BRDF, remains the main cause. It is therefore essential for the designer to estimate the scattering behavior of diffraction gratings realistically. We thus developed a simple semi-analytical model based on scalar Fourier optics. In this framework, the BRDF is shown to be proportional to the angular spectrum of plane waves emanating from the grating aperture function. The model can easily incorporate different manufacturing errors of real gratings that are specific for the most common mastering methods, i.e. holographic lithography and mechanical ruling. The influence of the most important manufacturing errors is demonstrated and BRDF functions based on the model are compared to measurements from real holographic and mechanically ruled diffraction gratings.
Conference Presentation
© (2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Felix Koch, Matthias Zilk, and Tilman Glaser "Semi-analytic modeling of diffraction grating BRDF using scalar Fourier optics", Proc. SPIE 11783, Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology VIII, 1178304 (20 June 2021);
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Bidirectional reflectance transmission function

Diffraction gratings

Fourier optics

Error analysis



Light scattering


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