We present our laboratory tests of a commercial near-infrared camera, the C-RED One, which was built by First Light Imaging. The camera uses a high-speed, low-noise, HgCdTe avalanche photo-diode (APD) array from Leonardo. We used the photon transfer technique to measure the gain and read noise. In early 2019, we identified the source of a fluctuating sensor bias, which limited the noise performance of the camera. We also measured the effect of the cryo-cooler on vibration of the array, which limited its performance as a tilt sensor. We sent the camera back to the FLI, where they installed a redesigned power-supply board to address the issue with the fluctuating sensor bias. FLI also installed passive damping to reduce the vibration of the sensor array. Here we present the performance characteristics of the camera before and after the repair of the camera by the manufacturer.