19 October 2016 Evaluation of population densities of a rubidium laser pumped with a narrow-linewidth Ti:Sapphire laser
Shunyan Wang, You Wang, Juhong Han, Wei Zhang, He Cai, Guofei An, Ming Gao, Zhigang Jiang, Liangping Xue, Hongyuan Wang, Jie Zhou
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Proceedings Volume 10152, High Power Lasers, High Energy Lasers, and Silicon-based Photonic Integration; 101521A (2016)
Event: International Symposium on Optoelectronic Technology and Application 2016, 2016, Beijing, China
In the recent years, alkali vapor lasers have become the most promising candidates for realization of a light source with both good beam quality and high output power because of their excellent performances. A rubidium laser is a typical kind of alkali vapor lasers. In this study, we developed a theoretical mode to evaluate the population densities of three levels as well as mode-matching efficiency of a rubidium laser pumped by a narrow-linewidth Ti:Sapphire laser under two different focal conditions. In the evaluation, at least two values of the output power of a rubidium laser must be known, which are usually obtained from the experiment. We performed a series of experiments by using two pump lenses with two focal lengths of 150 and 200 mm, and acquired two corresponding values of the laser output power. Then, we applied the experimental results in the theoretical calculation and then obtained the population densities of three levels and mode-matching efficiency of the rubidium laser. The study demonstrates that the outputted pump power can be used for evaluation of the population densities of three levels and mode-matching efficiency of an alkali laser under the different experimental conditions. The study might be valuable to better understand the physical features of an alkali vapor laser and to optimize the configuration of a high-powered alkali laser in the future.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shunyan Wang, You Wang, Juhong Han, Wei Zhang, He Cai, Guofei An, Ming Gao, Zhigang Jiang, Liangping Xue, Hongyuan Wang, and Jie Zhou "Evaluation of population densities of a rubidium laser pumped with a narrow-linewidth Ti:Sapphire laser", Proc. SPIE 10152, High Power Lasers, High Energy Lasers, and Silicon-based Photonic Integration, 101521A (19 October 2016);
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