11 November 2016 Modeling of Si/Ge based two-dimensional photonic crystal nanocavity
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Proceedings Volume 10150, Second International Seminar on Photonics, Optics, and Its Applications (ISPhOA 2016); 101500D (2016)
Event: Second International Seminar on Photonics, Optics, and Its Applications (ISPhOA 2016), 2016, Bali, Indonesia
This paper has theoretically demonstrated the variation of geometrical parameters for L3 cavity photonic crystal. We have tuned a lattice constant of the photonic crystal to optimize the device. 2D photonic crystal structures with L3 configuration arranged in the triangular lattice is simulated using 2D FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) approach. We have tuned the stop band within 1451 nm to 1532 nm wavelength windows. This stop band was achieved with a hole diameter of 150 nm and lattice constant, a of 350 nm. We have also varied the lattice constant to 320 nm, 330 nm, 340 nm, 350 nm and 360 nm respectively by keeping the hole diameter to 150 nm. The Q factor does not show any significant changes with different lattice constant. The highest Q factor of approximately 7000 was obtained with the lattice constant of 350 nm and hole diameter of 150 nm at the resonance wavelength of 1472 nm. The resonance excited by the L3 photonic crystal cavity structure in Si/Ge layer grown on silicon-on-insulator were achieved at 1476 nm with a right combination of lattice constant and hole diameters. This resonance wavelength was obtained at lattice constant 360 nm and hole diameter 150 nm. The highest optical transmission spectra also achieved at this parameter was approximately 30%. The resonance wavelength between this two geometry parameter was almost the same. This result can be utilized in telecommunication wavelength for many applications in the photonic area.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Lita Rahmasari, Ahmad Rifqi Md. Zain, and Abdul Manaf Hashim "Modeling of Si/Ge based two-dimensional photonic crystal nanocavity", Proc. SPIE 10150, Second International Seminar on Photonics, Optics, and Its Applications (ISPhOA 2016), 101500D (11 November 2016);
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Photonic crystals

Finite-difference time-domain method






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