6 October 2023 Partially coherent radiation propagation simulations including electron beam and x-ray optics instabilities at hard x-ray nanoprobe beamline of NSLS-II
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We will report on partially coherent undulator radiation simulations performed for the Hard X-ray Nanoprobe (HXN) beamline of NSLS-II with electron beam and X-ray optics instabilities taken into consideration. RF BPM and XBPM data were used to estimate values of these positional and angular instabilities for the partially coherent X-ray emission and propagation calculations with SRW code. These calculations allowed us to determine time-varying (due to the instabilities) intensity distributions and other characteristics of the X-ray radiation at important beamline locations, and estimate impacts of the instabilities on experimental data from coherent diffraction imaging experiments at HXN.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Oleg Chubar, Yong S. Chu, Hanfei Yan, Xiaojing Huang, Himanshu Goel, Sukho Kongtawong, Ruizi Li, and Thomas W. Morris "Partially coherent radiation propagation simulations including electron beam and x-ray optics instabilities at hard x-ray nanoprobe beamline of NSLS-II", Proc. SPIE PC12697, Advances in Computational Methods for X-Ray Optics VI, PC1269709 (6 October 2023);

X-ray optics

Beam propagation method

Electron beams

Hard x-rays




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