13 October 2011 A first framework for the development of age determination schemes for latent biometric fingerprint traces using a chromatic white light (CWL) sensor
Ronny Merkel, Andriy Krapyvskyy, Marcus Leich, Jana Dittmann, Claus Vielhauer
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Since decades, the age determination of latent fingerprint traces left at crime scenes is a challenge to forensic investigators, since fingerprint traces can often only be used in a lawsuit if they can be assigned to the specific time interval of a crime taking place. In this paper, we suggest a six-step framework on how an age determination scheme might be developed for a given application scenario using optical and non-invasive image sensory. We explain and discuss each step of such framework, using three different aging features (the binary pixel feature based on prior work as well as the novel aging features corrosion blob size and corrosion blob amount), which are based on the loss of contrast of a fingerprint on a hard disk platter surface as well as on corrosion properties of fingerprint residue applied to a copper coin surface. We furthermore evaluate different aspects of the scheme in practical experiments, to show its feasibility and conclude, that the steps 1, 3, 5 and 6 of the framework are comparatively easy to be realized, whereas the steps 2 (developing new aging features) and 4 (determining all significant influences on a given aging feature) are challenging, yet possible.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ronny Merkel, Andriy Krapyvskyy, Marcus Leich, Jana Dittmann, and Claus Vielhauer "A first framework for the development of age determination schemes for latent biometric fingerprint traces using a chromatic white light (CWL) sensor", Proc. SPIE 8189, Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting VII; Optical Materials in Defence Systems Technology VIII; and Quantum-Physics-based Information Security, 81890T (13 October 2011); Logo
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