28 May 2004 3D versus 2D/3D shape descriptors: a comparative study
Titus B. Zaharia, Francoise J. Preteux
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Proceedings Volume 5298, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems III; (2004)
Event: Electronic Imaging 2004, 2004, San Jose, California, United States
This paper proposes a comparative study of 3D and 2D/3D shape descriptors (SDs) for indexing and retrieval of 3D mesh models. Seven state of the art SDs are considered and compared, among which five are 3D (Optimized 3D Hough Descriptor - O3DHD, Extended Gaussian Images - EGIs, cords length and spherical angles histograms, random triangles histogram, MPEG-7 3D shape spectrum descriptor - 3DSSD), and two 2D/3D, based on the MPEG-7 2D SDs (Contour Scale Space- CSS, and Angular Radial Transform - ART). A low complexity vector quantized (VQ) OH3DD is also proposed and considered for this comparison. Experimental results were carried out upon the categorized MPEG-7 3D test database. By computing Bull-Eye Score (BES) and First Tier (FT) criteria, it is objectively established that the O3DHD (even in its VQ version) outperforms (BES = 81% or 79%).all other SDs. The 2D/3D CSS-based descriptor exhibits a highly discriminant behavior (BES = 74%) outperforming the other both 3D and 2D/3D approaches. Apply to the industrial framework of the RNRT SEMANTIC-3D Project, the O3DHD demonstrated its relevance together with its scalability and robustness properties.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Titus B. Zaharia and Francoise J. Preteux "3D versus 2D/3D shape descriptors: a comparative study", Proc. SPIE 5298, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems III, (28 May 2004); Logo
Cited by 43 scholarly publications.
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3D modeling

3D image processing

Data modeling


Shape analysis

Fourier transforms

Spherical lenses


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