30 May 2003 Augmenting intraoperative MRI with preoperative fMRI and DTI by biomechanical simulation of brain deformation
Simon Keith Warfield, Florin Talos, Corey Kemper, Eric Cosman, Alida Tei, Matthieu Ferrant, Benoit M. M. Macq, William M. Wells III, Peter McLaren Black, Ferenc A. Jolesz, Ron Kikinis
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The key challenge facing the neurosurgeon during neurosurgery is to be able to remove from the brain as much tumor tissue as possible while preserving healthy tissue and minimizing the disruption of critical anatomical structures. The purpose of this work was to demonstrate the use of biomechanical simulation of brain deformation to project preoperative fMRI and DTI data into the coordinate system of the patient brain deformed during neurosurgery. This projection enhances the visualization of relevant critical structures available to the neurosurgeon. Our approach to tracking brain changes during neurosurgery has been previously described. We applied this procedure to warp preoperative fMRI and DTI to match intraoperative MRI. We constructed visualizations of preoperative fMRI and DTI, and intraoperative MRI showing a close correspondence between the matched data. We have previously demonstrated our biomechanical simulation of brain deformation can be executed entirely during neurosurgery. We previously used a generic atlas as a substitute for patient specific data. Here we report the successful alignment of patient-specific DTI and fMRI preoperative data into the intraoperative configuration of the patient's brain. This can significantly enhance the information available to the neurosurgeon.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Simon Keith Warfield, Florin Talos, Corey Kemper, Eric Cosman, Alida Tei, Matthieu Ferrant, Benoit M. M. Macq, William M. Wells III, Peter McLaren Black, Ferenc A. Jolesz, and Ron Kikinis "Augmenting intraoperative MRI with preoperative fMRI and DTI by biomechanical simulation of brain deformation", Proc. SPIE 5029, Medical Imaging 2003: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display, (30 May 2003); Logo
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Image segmentation

Functional magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging

Data modeling

Diffusion tensor imaging


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