10 March 2000 Diffractive elements for generating microscale laser beam patterns: a Y2K problem
Stephan Teiwes, Sven Krueger, Guenther K.G. Wernicke, Margit Ferstl
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Lasers are widely used in industrial fabrication for engraving, cutting and many other purposes. However, material processing at very small scales is still a matter of concern. Advances in diffractive optics could provide for laser systems that could be used for engraving or cutting of micro-scale patterns at high speeds. In our paper we focus on the design of diffractive elements which can be used for this special application. It is a common desire in material processing to apply 'discrete' as well as 'continuous' beam patterns. Especially, the latter case is difficult to handle as typical micro-scale patterns are characterized by bad band-limitation properties, and as speckles can easily occur in beam patterns. It is shown in this paper that a standard iterative design method usually fails to obtain diffractive elements that generate diffraction patterns with acceptable quality. Insights gained from an analysis of the design problems are used to optimize the iterative design method. We demonstrate applicability and success of our approach by the design of diffractive phase elements that generate a discrete and a continuous 'Y2K' pattern.
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Stephan Teiwes, Sven Krueger, Guenther K.G. Wernicke, and Margit Ferstl "Diffractive elements for generating microscale laser beam patterns: a Y2K problem", Proc. SPIE 3951, Diffractive/Holographic Technologies and Spatial Light Modulators VII, (10 March 2000); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Laser engraving

Laser cutting


Chemical elements

Binary data

Laser systems engineering


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