19 February 2018 Solar exposure of sunglasses: aging test display
L. M. Gomes, M. Masili, G. A. Momesso, F. M. Silva, L. Ventura
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Proceedings Volume 10474, Ophthalmic Technologies XXVIII; 104741N (2018)
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2018, San Francisco, California, United States
In previous studies conducted in our lab, we have been investigating the aging effects on sunglasses. Some preliminary results have been indicating changes on the UV protection on the lenses. Therefore, besides irradiating the samples with a proper sun simulator, we have also been concerned on exposing the sunglasses to natural sun for further investigation and comparisons. Thus, this project aims expose the lenses for 24 months using an automatic solar exposition station, which consists of a series of 5 panels, housing 60 lenses arranged in the vertical position to the ground, which will be irradiated by the sun from sunrise until sunset. A box structure moves along a rail, driven by a motor and then the lenses are exposed. Humidity, rain, temperature, dust and UV index sensors, as well as a video camera are part of the system. The exposure time and UV index will be recorded and automatic opening or closing the box system may also be controlled by a PC using a webserver. The system was tested in working conditions, i.e. exposed to the weather and being automatically controlled, for five months to certifying that the samples could be exposed without being damaged. The next step of the research is to start the exposition cycles and to measure the expected transmittance variations after each cycle.
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L. M. Gomes, M. Masili, G. A. Momesso, F. M. Silva, and L. Ventura "Solar exposure of sunglasses: aging test display", Proc. SPIE 10474, Ophthalmic Technologies XXVIII, 104741N (19 February 2018); Logo
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