1 July 2008 Practical use of receiver operating characteristic analysis to assess the performances of defect detection algorithms
Yann Le Meur, Jean-Michel Vignolle, Jocelyn Chanussot
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Defect detection in images is a current task in quality control and is often integrated in partially or fully automated systems. Assessing the performances of defect detection algorithms is thus of great interest. However, because this is application- and context-dependent, it remains a difficult task. We describe a methodology to measure the performances of such algorithms on large images in a semi-automated defect inspection situation. Considering standard problems occurring in real cases, we compare typical performance evaluation methods. This analysis leads to the construction of a simple and practical receiver operating characteristic (ROC) based method. This method extends the pixel-level ROC analysis to an object-based approach by dilating the ground truth and the set of detected pixels before calculating the true-positive and false-positive rates. These dilations are computed thanks to the a priori knowledge of a human-defined ground truth and gives to true-positive and false-positive rates more consistent values in the semi-automated inspection context. Moreover, the dilation process is designed to be automatically suited to the object's shape in order to be applied on all types of defects without any parameter to be tuned.
©(2008) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Yann Le Meur, Jean-Michel Vignolle, and Jocelyn Chanussot "Practical use of receiver operating characteristic analysis to assess the performances of defect detection algorithms," Journal of Electronic Imaging 17(3), 031104 (1 July 2008). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.2952590
Published: 1 July 2008
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